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Let the people decide: Falcon on HST

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

BC Liberal leadership candidate Kevin Falcon said that while he welcomes Christy Clark into the leadership race, he wants British Columbians to decide the fate of the HST, not politicians. Falcon says Clark's decision today to have MLAs vote in the legislature on whether to keep the tax or scrap it, denies British Columbians the opportunity to cast their vote on the HST.

"I've heard loud and clear from every corner of the province that British Columbians want to be consulted, and they want to vote on the future of the HST," said Falcon. "Putting the decision back in the hands of politicians ignores what British Columbians have been saying. British Columbians deserve the right to decide and they want to make an informed decision. I don't support stripping them of that right"